Popcorn Theme Real-World Case Studies
Here's some real sites using Popcorn theme that are getting traffic and making money
#1 BestCornPopper.com

BestCornPopper.com - The Numbers
MONTHly Income
Pieces of content

The site is monetized by Ezoic advertising and by Amazon affiliate. It's been growing steadily month-by-month and now brings in around $330 per month.
Site performance
The site has had content published to it every month since launch and now has a total of 189 articles. Even though the content has increase the site performance has remained super-fast!

The main source of traffic to BestCornPopper.com is from Google. SEO has played a major part in the traffic growth.
By using simple keyword research techniques and a mixture of AI and human writers the majority of content has performed well and brings in a constant stream of visitors.

The site i created with Popcorn theme has gone from strength-to-strength. It started out as just a bit of fun and as a way of showing off the theme, but now it's pulling in some serious traffic!
BestCornPopper.com Founder
#2 HutchandCage.com

HutchandCage.com - The Numbers
MONTHly Income
Pieces of content

The site is monetized with a combination of Amazon Affiliate, Ezoic and other pet related affiliate programs. Earnings due fluctuate throughout the year however on average it pulls in a fantastic $1,005 every month.
Site performance
HutchandCage.com has suffered with poor performance. In the past Carl was struggling to achieve an acceptable web core vitals score. Since he switched the site to Popcorn Theme the performance of the site has dramatically improved.

The main source of traffic to BestCornPopper.com is from Google. SEO has played a major pa rt in the traffic growth.
By using simple keyword research techniques and a mixture of AI and human writers the majority of content has performed well and brings in a constant stream of visitors.

This website suffered from poor core web vitals until I installed Popcorntheme v2 which greatly improved the overall performance of the site
and gave a better user experience. All this with over 500+ articles with images published
Carl Broadbent
HutchandCage.com Founder
#3 GardeniaOrganic.com

GardeniaOrganic.com - The Numbers
MONTHly Income
Pieces of content

The main income source on this site from Ezoic adverts which pulled in over $10,000 in the first 12 months. Amazon affiliate tops-up the revenue and should hit over $1,800 this year.
Site performance
This site was constructed for speed. A combination of super-fast hosting and Popcorn Theme has enabled this website to achieve blisteringly fast load times and an enviable Core Web Vitals assessment.

As this site is in the Gardening Niche the traffic is very seasonal. However, it has grown steadily since the site went live and now pulls in an impressive 150,000 pageviews per month during the summer!

This aged domain public case study started to gain traffic from day one.
After adding PopcornV2 the site speed increased and so to did the traffic.
The site has never been hit by any google updates and gets its peak traffic in this niche between Feb and July
Carl Broadbent
GardeniaOrganic.com Founder
#4 Bartendertraining.ca

Bartendertraining.ca - The Numbers
MONTHly Income
Pieces of content

Traffic to the site has been growing steadily. It's currently pulling in over 6700 visitors per month.

When I saw Alex demo an early version of Popcorn on his channel, I liked right away that they had created a theme that looked decent out of the box, had most of the needed features already built in and ran fast to keep Google happy.
I'm looking to give Popcorn 2 a try for my next project.
bartendertraining.ca Founder