About Popcorn Theme
Popcorn Theme was designed an created by real-life affiliate marketers, Phil Lankester, Carl Broadbent and Alex Cooper.
The idea for the theme was simple - create a WordPress Theme that was specifically designed to meet the needs of affiliate marketers and niche website owners.
Born in November 2022, Popcorn Theme has evolved into a feature-packed, easy to use theme that's perfect for a variety of types of websites.
Popcorn Theme now powers over 1000 websites on the internet.
Meet The Popcorn Team

Phil Lankester
Hi, I’m Phil, one half of Spidrweb and the lead developer of Popcorn Theme – a WordPress theme to revolutionize the affiliate marketing landscape.
I’m based near the captivating city of Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK,
I have a a background as an IT infrastructure consultant, then my wife and I started our own business, Spidrweb.
Learn more over at spidrweb.co.uk.

YouTuber & Affiliate
Alex Cooper
Hi, i'm Alex. I make videos on my YouTube channel, WP Eagle.
I've been making WordPress websites for well over 15 years and I love the power and flexibility it brings.
I love being a part of the Popcorn Theme team as it's just a good theme. It offers everything I need to make a niche website quickly and easily,
You can find out more about me at wpeagle.com.

Carl Broadbent
HI, I'm Carl. I set out to build an online business that could earn me the same salary as my stressful corporate job did.
Well, a few years later, little did I know that I actually had a talent for
building website, doing keyword research and making Youtube videos.
Popcorn Theme helps me to create great looking sites that show off my content in a clear and engaging way.
You can find out more about at carlbroadbent.com.